
President Obama said Thursday, he's worried about the European situation, local leaders have the political will to end the crisis, is still a problem. At a press briefing, Mr. Obama said he supported the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Ke Ji in the promotion of the revised EU treaty plan, make member states of the EU fiscal policy, gaining greater control.
"But short-term crisis must be resolved, in order to ensure the market to Europe in support of the euro has the confidence, " he said. "We will try to help them go in the right direction," Obama said.
Europe has enough wealth, sufficient to resolve the crisis, he said.
"We are talking about is not a poor country, no resources, by global market hit," Obama said. "If they gather political will, they have the ability to stabilize the market, just make sure they take responsible action, such as Italy, the government will have the ability for debt financing,"