
which is a brokerage company

To win and make it in the markets, is not enough having great trading skills or a good strategy and tested systems. Without a trusted partner (which is a brokerage company) it would be hard (if impossible) to make money in financial market…


我是工工整整的經卷嗎?如若是,你捧起來展讀時,我早已被眾人吟誦百遍千遍。經卷上的文字,不是因你而美麗的纓絡,我知你愛不釋手,但你愛在今生,可我卻活在前世…… ──題記 華光莘莘的七寶瓔珞,依然不染俗塵的擺放在光明幾淨的書案上,氤氳了一夜雨後瑩潤…


Mother's Day that evening, the six-year-old son back from kindergarten, his fleshy hands in front of me: "Mom, Happy Holidays!" He looked up, little face, such as the window of the warm sun of early spring in February in his sweaty small h…